vanschneider Color Claim was created in 2012 by Tobias van Schneider with the goal to collect & combine unique colors for my future projects.
Adobe Color CC Create color schemes with the color wheel or browse thousands of color combinations from the Color community.
webgradients WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
爱奇艺 爱奇艺(iQIYI.COM)是拥有海量、优质、高清的网络视频的大型视频网站,专业的网络视频播放平台。爱奇艺影视内容丰富多元,涵盖电影、电视剧、动漫、综艺、生活、音乐、搞笑、财经、军事、体育、片花、资讯、微电影、儿童、母婴、教育、科技、时尚、原创、公益、游戏、旅游、拍客、汽车、纪录片、爱奇艺自制剧等剧
PPT模板 微软officePLUS是微软官方在线ppt模板、插件网站,提供各类PPT模板、PPT模板免费下载、PPT素材、求职简历PPT、教学课件PPT、营销策划PPT、PPT模板页、PPT关系图、PPT图表